Small Wonders
A Virtual Art Exhibit/Sale
If you are interested in purchasing artwork, or have any questions please contact the artist directly via email.
Camille Tulcewicz
Meaningfulness, as is a beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
My name is Camille.
I am motivated to create commissioned fine art for others, my joy is seeing a meaningful, emotional connection occur when clients view the initial presentation of their pieces. For many years I broke away from producing art and entered art education and educational administration. Recently, I found my way back to where I began.
My process of choice is brushing in background and forms in washes of watercolor and then choosing either colored pencil or chalk pastel to create line and texture. I have also returned to working in oils and silverpoint.
**Bachelors of Fine Arts-Painting from Miami University of Oxford, Oxford, OH
**Masters in Educational Administration from Ashland University, Ashland, OH
Please feel welcome in visiting my website.
Meaningfulness, as is a beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
My name is Camille.
I am motivated to create commissioned fine art for others, my joy is seeing a meaningful, emotional connection occur when clients view the initial presentation of their pieces. For many years I broke away from producing art and entered art education and educational administration. Recently, I found my way back to where I began.
My process of choice is brushing in background and forms in washes of watercolor and then choosing either colored pencil or chalk pastel to create line and texture. I have also returned to working in oils and silverpoint.
**Bachelors of Fine Arts-Painting from Miami University of Oxford, Oxford, OH
**Masters in Educational Administration from Ashland University, Ashland, OH
Please feel welcome in visiting my website.